Have you ever though about when to use a picklist/optionset, or might even a lookup?
There are many consultancy who are scared of creating too many entities in MS CRM projects. There are several times lookups to a entity with just a name might be better then using a picklist/option set!
A few senarios when you should think of this:
1. When you need the field to locked to certain options, but at the same time easy for super users to update/create new options.
2. When you are integrating two systems, and the master system have a dynamic value, but you want to be "semi"-locked and easy to seach for in MS CRM. (G.ex: A text field in ERP, integrated as a "list of records" in a specific entity in MS CRM. Makes it easier to search for a specific criteria)
3. When you are creating a "generic" solution/field where several options based on customers might bee needed.
4. When you have dependencies on a few fields on the same FORM it could be used.
5. When you want several fields to get information based on a single field. (g.Ex: You create a custom "opportunity line item" entity. On that entity you want to be able to sell 3 products, and based on the product chosen the opportunity linje should get "prize" and "product conditions". Why not create 2 custom enities ("Opporutiniy line item" AND "product") and store "prize" and "product conditions" on the product entity. Then you chose a product in the lookup (N:1) on "opportunity line item" you get "prize" and "product conditions" from the product enity.
Think about it! Are you a "entity/lookup-scared" consultancy/developer!?